I don’t know if I am the only one who gets bothered when the only time people associate themselves with God is when they need a miracle, favor, or help or when they’re expressing gratitude for something done for them.
Of course, it’s beautiful to always turn to God in times of need. It is humility to let Him know how grateful you are for what He does for you. But paying attention to God simply for what He can do for you is not only selfish but dishonoring to the person of the Father. It can be likened to deliberately ignoring someone all the time, only to turn to them when you need them to step in for you.
What Did You Hear About the Gospel?
The gospel is for salvation from darkness. Unfortunately, not many people who are ‘saved’ come to God for this purpose.
What did you believe when you accepted the life of Christ?
Were you told that you will receive favor and blessings and have all your needs met if only you choose Christ?
Were you convinced that you would get protection from all the powers that try to harm you?
Or were you manipulated into following Christ because God will give you a husband or wife and bless you with children?
One question. Don’t you know unbelievers who are stupendously wealthy, established, married early with kids, and living a seemingly normal lives?
So, what did you believe when you came to Christ? And why are you sticking with God?
Can I put it to you that the most crucial reason God gave His Son is that we do not perish but have eternal life?
What does this even mean?
It means that the ultimate goal of salvation is to set you free from the grip of darkness so that you can enter into the fullness of God. This implies that the essence of salvation is to give you unlimited access to God and His fullness, which would last beyond this earth.
Now, does this say that getting financial and physical blessings is wrong and against God’s will for us? Absolutely not!
God wants us to have all we need for life and godliness. But first of all, He wants us to have Him, to be a dwelling place for Him in the spirit. He wants us to stay long enough with Him until we start to look like Him and be able to replicate Him (win other people to Christ) upon the earth.
Now tell me, how do you enter into God’s fullness if all the time you come to Him or call on His name is when you want your human needs to be met? What about God’s needs? Or do you prefer that all the people you call ‘friends’ only remember you when they want you to do something for them?
If Jesus Is Your Savior, He Must Be Your Lord
Jesus isn’t only a Saviour. He is also Lord. So if you accept Him as Savior, you must not skip the process when it comes to making Him Lord, even though this submission is one of love, not like that with taskmasters.
When you trust God for the salvation of your soul and the meeting of your needs, you become a fraudster if you skip the part of accepting His Lordship!!
I cringe a lot when I see people declare how much God has done for them or even try to associate themselves with God by using names like ‘Jesus girl’ and ‘Jesus baddie’ (this though????) all the time, but persistently fail to bear fruits that show they are children of God.
Trust me, God is after your fruits. He sees your heart, yes. But He also wants to see that you bear fruits that befit your position in Him.
As one under the Lordship of Christ, you are under obligation to do life on His terms. I’m sorry if social media has made you believe this is an option. I’m also sorry if you have been brainwashed to think that you can ‘do what makes you happy.’ You really can’t.
If you say you are a child of God, and what ‘makes you happy’ clearly (according to scriptures) does not make Jesus happy, I really don’t know what to say to you anymore because if any man has not the Spirit of Christ, he is none of His. And, if you are His, you must have His Spirit, who would surely let you know what pleases and displeases God.
I’ll tell you this last one for free. You cannot be a child of God, have His Spirit, and still want to look like or have validation from the world! How will you seek validation from the world that obviously hates your Savior?
So, let me ask you, how well do you submit different areas of your life to Christ as your Lord? And no, I am not talking about pretentiously putting on any religious or sanctimonious cloak to appear righteous. I mean genuinely allowing Christ to be the Lord of your life and surrendering your ways to His precepts – especially as written in His Word.
I want you to weigh the frequency at which you go to God and seek Him earnestly for who He is and what you can do for Him versus the number of times you pray, praise, and join miracle meetings because you have a long list of things you want God to do for you.
Repent where necessary, and I pray from my heart that you will seek God and seek Him in truth.
Oh My God Mimi, I believe you speak(write) from the heart of The Father because this article is just striking. Thank you for articulating this so clearly. God bless you abundantly
I’m so glad it blessed you, Ada!
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