A life of purpose is primed by intentional living.

A life of intentionality is your response to God’s gift.

Spirit-Inspired resources
to Help You Lead an

Intentional Life.

Meet Meb

I am a young sassy believing woman with a fiery zeal to open your eyes to your inheritance in Christ. I also live with a desire to see you intentionally live out God’s design for your life – and not get tossed about by the winds of social media and trends.

Simply put, I am God’s Masterpiece and project-in-progress, anointed to engineer words that draw weary hearts to Jesus and awaken slumbering souls into a life of intentionality.

Monthly Bible Verse

2 Corinthians 5:17:

Therefore, if anyone is in Christ he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come.

My greatest desire is that
you find purpose while reading.