
Spectacular Singles’ Spot

Stories for your soul

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Most times, we’ll explore our everyday lives in an interactive way, other times, I may be brutal and straight to the point. Just remember that my delivery doesn’t change the fact that I love you, and I’m dedicating my life to this, just for you!


Thank you for coming to my internet space!

Before I start talking too much, I have one quick question for you. Maybe two – or three 😊

Have you ever been immersed in a state where you feel there’s more to this thing we call life?


At those times, do you feel it quite impossible to wrap your head around the entirety of that more? Here’s what I mean: have you ever longed for a non-complicated way to reach for more in life?

Your heart’s cry has been heard, and your prayer answered!

God has sent you help!!!

I’m trusting Him that whenever you come here, you’ll find clarity and more in the little life steps you take.

And hey, I’m not seeking a perfect, faultless audience. Definitely not!

I’m only asking that you open up your heart and keep the borders of your being open to piecemeal transformation through this space.

I’m also not here to give you motivational speeches. And indeed, this blog isn’t a compilation of commandments, judgments, and condemnation.

Irrespective of who you are and where you’ve been, with God’s help, I’ll literally hold your hands and share my life with you as we take those small audacious steps towards living life intentionally and according to design!

‘What design now? I hear you ask.

As it was in the beginning. According to the thoughts and intentions of God that are unique to you and clearly written in His Word.

The design that was invented at redemption when Jesus gave His life that we might have it. The design God masterminded when His Spirit finally found a dwelling place in man!

The best part?

We’d be flying with a host of other endowed people in a simple, relatable Gulfstream G150!

Together, we’ll explore living according to design:

  • In the tiny spaces between the day-to-day happenings in your life.
  • As a single person who would get married one day and raise generals for Christ (you’ve married already? Don’t stress, I got you too!).
  • Using stories with which your soul can relate. 
  • By deploying unique confessions to anchor your faith.
  • By providing a local assembly guide to help you locate your tribe.

I only ask a favor of you.

Please, use the comment section on every post like you just paid a 5-year rent on it! That way, you can let me know how you were blessed by each post and the action steps you’ll be taking moving forward. Hey, you can also share your stories that relate to the essence of each post in your comments. You never know who you would be handing a second chance at hope on a platter of words.

Can I make my requests two? P-l-e-a-s-e??🥺

Don’t get blessed and grow alone. Share your favorite posts with the people in your tribe, circle, and community. And your reward will be great, here on earth, and in heaven too!

So, strap your seatbelts. It’s going to be a phenomenal flight on the Spirit’s wings (winks)!!

Cheers to an intentional you!!

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