My generation began when parents held their children so tightly that their elasticity snapped the moment the grip was gone.
Or wait…
I think my gullible generation was born when it looked like crazy people were doing better than people with working cerebral facilities.
I don’t know…
Maybe when a revolution led by selfish, godless people stirred several cities in the West.
Or just maybe when technology started to make sooooooo much information available to just about everyone at literally no cost.
But yeah. My gullible generation is here. And there’s nothing you can do about that.
My gullible generation prefers to be brainwashed by a bunch of strangers acting out the details of their lives in front of a camera than to enjoy bliss with those just beneath their noses.
My gullible generation enjoys being praised for mental illness rather than receiving instructive criticism for poor performance.
My gullible generation is so friendly with mediocrity that you do not have to do much to impress them. You can literally be an insane person, but be firm and resolute about your insanity, and my generation will flood your timeline with likes, loves, commendations, and meet-up requests.
You see, if you want to amass millions of the people in my generation, just peel off every piece of your clothing and self-respect, and dance for the camera. Or, better still, promote the works of the flesh and downplay the intrinsic worth of the female gender. Don’t worry about spewing intelligent or educating words decorated with lengthy sentences. They’ll probably sleep off.
My gullible generation has unanimously agreed to erase words like purity, decency, righteousness, holiness, and sincerity from their dictionary. Now, it is no crime to film your nakedness for the world to see. Tell them about ‘waiting till marriage,’ and you’ll become archaic and delusional – or even judgemental! But show more than enough cleavage and you’re the most beautiful girl in the room!
And oh, never mind, you can go against the precepts of God and even persecute those who stand for righteousness; God will never get angry with you. He will never stop pampering you, no matter what you do.
My gullible generation maintains a bio having ‘Jesus’ in it but feels it does not matter if they caress sin day and night. They call the name of Jesus in church and on social media, only to go back home to tuck themselves into a thick blanket of filth and unrighteousness.
My gullible generation has a 9-5 job of misinterpreting the scriptures to satisfy their lustful feelings without restraint. They even choose authors and portions of the Bible that aren’t worthy of their attention and obedience. And yeah, nothing wrong with logically explaining away God’s call for holiness with the ‘I am loved no matter what’ line.
My gullible generation sees absolutely nothing out of place with bearing a ‘Jesus’ tag while living for the devil and unapologetically satisfying the lusts of the flesh. They reek of abundant knowledge yet are in a romantic relationship with unrefined ignorance. Ah, you can’t tell them this, oh!
My gullible generation has an affinity for miracles and physical manifestations, a million times more than they show the slightest honor for the One who gives miracles.
Before you step out…
Don’t ever tell my gullible generation that they are wrong. Do so, and you are toxic! Negative! Bad energy! Not preaching the love of God! Not living a life of love!
You must really have guts to tell my gullible generation that they have become bond slaves to mammon and lust. Just dangle sex (extramarital, please) and money before them, and they’ll follow you straight to Hades!
I’m not so sure right now, but I think someone has just called me a hypocritical judge…
But I still think my gullible generation needs to understand that a true measure of success does not begin with a particular number of likes and followers, nor is it lined with millions and cryptocurrencies.
Maybe my gullible generation still needs to sit down and see that what they do just before they get saved matters not a tiny bit. But whatever happens after the receipt of the ‘life of God’ MATTERS! How do they not know that they cannot claim to have the life of God and still live a life void of God?
Maybe my gullible generation needs to understand that God is not a miracle-dispensing puppet but a Saviour who must become Lord! Yes, LORD – who must be worshipped and obeyed!
Can someone please tell my gullible generation that they need JESUS? Not just as a label to be smeared on their Instagram bios, but as One to live for, and One unto whom we must give account?