Parenting is the Real War!

Godly parenting

So, the world can instruct that you let your toddler, who has no clue about how the snack in his lunch pack was made, decide the gender he wants to have?

They can also insist that you should be liberal and allow your children to open their minds?

But the same world, when you decide to teach your kids the way of the Lord, calls it indoctrination and brainwashing?

And you, for want of being politically correct, decide not to instruct your child in the way of the Lord so that you are not seen as a brainwasher?

Dey play!

Should I tell you why the world is after our children?

Because they want to change the order, and they know that true evolution can only happen when there is a mindset shift and alignment from a very young age. The world knows they are grooming an army, and that army will stand the test of time if they raise each soldier from a tender age!

Now, tell me why you think bringing up your children in the way of the Lord is archaic and does not really matter?

And no. I am not talking about dragging your children to church when they are teenagers and their hearts already corrupted by the lust in the world; absolutely not!!

I am talking about seeing yourself as a Commander in God’s army, and your children are God’s soldiers committed to you!

Because This Is War!

We are not trying to compete with the world. Neither are we in a game of struggle for greater fame or more likes, views, and followers on social media. It is a fully-fledged war!

Parenting is war!! And you must stand gallantly and not meddle in civilian affairs so that your soldiers are not brought down!

Ephesians 6:12

For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.

We are warring against the kingdom of darkness that is currently ruling the affairs of the men of this age. And if the people on the other side are not taking it lightly, who are you to rest your head for a nap?

As Soon As Your Child Can See Your Face Clearly, Start Instructing Them

As a matter of fact, the best time to start speaking the word of God to your children is from the point of conception. As soon as there is a heartbeat, there is blood pumping already, and there is life. Speak to that child! Declare the word of God over them! Usher them into the perfect will of God for their lives, even before they salute the earth!

And when you eventually welcome them, let them understand that they are on the battlefront and on a mission to conquer!! Place them in their platoons and instruct them!

Train up a child in the way he should go: And when he is old, he will not depart from it.

Proverbs 22:6 KJV

Seize every opportunity, and do not wait till they are in the wrong to instruct them in the way of the Chief Commander!

Let them understand the provision of God at mealtime, and let every request of theirs be an avenue to hone their dependence on the Holy Spirit!

Don’t worry; God’s got your back because you are fighting on His side.

Never Joke About Revealing Their Identity to Them Early

My dear believing parents, your first duty to your child is not to give them good food. It is to give them a solid, unshakable identity. Yes!

If your child can understand Bluey and smile when Lilo makes funny moves, then they can clearly understand that they are the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus!!

You must not be caught up in the web of ‘pampering’ your child in the name of preserving their ‘self-confidence.’

For crying out loud, self-confidence does not come from ‘not’ instructing or correcting a child. Not at all. Self-confidence comes from a deeply-rooted identity!!

So give your children their identity in God! Tell and demonstrate to them who they are in Christ! Let them know they are soldiers and they cannot afford to compromise. Tell them they do not have to be on the side of the world to matter! Make them see that they are on a mission in God’s kingdom, and watch them walk this earth with more than enough confidence to conquer!!

You Would Answer to God If All You Did for Your Children Was to Take Them to a Good School or Move Them to a ‘Good’ Environment

I weep whenever I see parents happily move their children to environments where there is an unapologetic and unhidden reign of darkness, all in the name of giving them a better life. What the heck is a better life without Christ??

How can you be comfortable moving your children to a place where they cannot easily access the influence of Christ? Yet, you have no solid system to keep them in Christ?? You still see your walk with God as a casual affair you can choose not to do??

Again, dey play!

How can a believing mother be so keen on going to deliver their children in countries that obviously need to be delivered, all in the name of giving them a better chance at life?

Until you come to understand that there is no better life for your child if they are not rooted in Christ, you may not cease to play folly with the destiny of God’s soldier entrusted into your hands!!

Always Remember that the Number One Reason You Birth Children as a Believer is to Multiply the Image of God Upon the Earth

As one godly parent put it, you are only a caretaker of your children, and God will require them at your hands.

So, as a believer in Christ, the most important thing you can do for your children is to usher them into their journey of conformation to the image of Christ, to bring them to the consciousness of the fact that they exist to replicate God and have dominion upon the earth.


Every parent prepares their children for an army. If you aren’t deliberately giving them militia training for God’s army, then there isn’t any other way around it. You are silently enlisting them for the devil’s army.

So, ask yourself, whose army are you preparing your child(ren) for? And how can you train your children as God’s soldiers when you’re not even enlisted in God’s army, and you do not even understand God’s system?

I hope this wakes us up!