How to Find True Love

A couple in love

True love is unconditional.



And sole-sourced.

Yes, true love is sole-sourced because it can only be experienced in the Lord Jesus. Scriptures explain to us in Paul’s Epistle to the Roman church:

But God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us. Rom 5:8. 

True love is based solely on God’s generosity, not what you do.

That’s right!

There is surely a place for doing in expressing love, but hey, let’s get the foundations right. Okay?

God demonstrated this love to us while we were yet sinners, undeserving, and in fact not recognizing His love.

The truth remains that there is nothing we, as humans, can ever do to deserve this love. Absolutely nothing!

This love is God’s nature. No man in himself, unaided by the Holy Spirit, can comprehend the power of this love. Little wonder scriptures further explain to us in Rom 5:5:

And hope does not put us to shame because God’s love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit who has been given to us.

How to Experience True Love

If you are ever going to experience and comprehend God’s Love, the Holy ghost must do internal work to furnish you with the capacity to first receive God’s love. Afterwards, He’ll build your capacity to transmit this love to others.

Here’s something else you need to know, sweetheart. Love is not first a commandment to you. Scriptures help us see clearly that God’s way of revealing Himself is that He first supplies capacity before assigning responsibility.

By the working of the Holy Spirit, God’s Word first imparts you with the capacity of the God-kind of love before He commands you to love. I bet you, you cannot give anything you’ve not fully understood.

You cannot love when you haven’t the capacity to love!

So, true love is not a product of mechanical, read-out-of-a-book actions but a function of eternal life at work in you.

Here’s another reality you should hear. The world cannot understand this kind of love because what the world calls love is transactional and self-gratifying

The world says ‘I love you’ as long as you remain loyal and useful to them. When the world says ‘I love you’, sometimes it really means ‘I want to use you to satisfy my lust’.

Can you see the contrast?

On the other hand, true love is sacrificial; God demonstrated it in the gift of His only begotten son at the time we were dead in trespass and sins (Ephesians 2:1-5). And He did it when we didn’t even recognize Him as God! He gave His Son even when He had no single guarantee that we would embrace His gift!

Now that is true love!


This love is the most powerful, efficacious force in the universe. It is stronger than death, and was the force behind Jesus’s resurrection!

God’s love defied death and brought us to God in salvation.

I can bet my life on this; only Gods love can go that far. Nothing else would dare!

So, my dear, you can only begin to unleash the power of true love when you grasp the love God has shown you. You only start to walk in true love when you pay rapt attention to the workings of the Spirit within you, develop intimacy, and abide in the communion of the Holy Spirit.    

True love is powered by the Spirit of God – and Him alone, and it never fails.

I trust God to help you understand this love and unleash it on those around you because humanity needs love. More than we can acknowledge.