Don’t worry. We are not talking about lovers of self as in 2 Tim 3:2.
I’m asking you if you have learned to appreciate yourself simply for being you. When was the last time you loved up on the wonder and masterpiece God made you?
Sounds like what you’ve heard before, right?
But really, ask yourself: do I love myself? Brood over your answer when you do.
Would you do for yourself all the things you do for people simply because you want their validation?
Here are a few things I think you should know about self-love in this season of love.
Self-Love Begins from Understanding Your Uniqueness
You cannot truly love yourself if you haven’t taken the time to know yourself.
Who are you? How are you wired? What’s your purpose on earth? How can you use your unique gifting to bless the people around you?
Have some retreat, meditation and querying in the spirit to know who you are.
Self-Love Is the Foundation Of Your Relationships
This sounds funny, but how much you love yourself (and express that love) determines to a great extent how others treat you. The only exception will be people who have been trained to love and respect other people irrespective of the circumstances.
Even your relationship with God is affected by how well you can accept and love yourself in the light of what the scriptures say about you.
Want to enjoy healthy relationships with God and the people around you? Start by having a healthy relationship with yourself.
Your Self-Love Defines What You Get Out Of Life
Unbelievable, but the extent to which you love yourself also determines how much you get out of life.
Trust me, you’ll only receive as much as you think you deserve unless there is a third party to force good on you.
A lack of self-love will make you negotiate and even explain your way out of significance and great opportunities.
Don’t you think you’ve waited too long to receive love from yourself?
Check out the latest upload on our YouTube channel by clicking here. I’m sure it will bless you so much. Don’t forget to show some love this season – especially (and firstly) to yourself! 😘😘