2023 was a year indeed!
A lot of things sure did go down in 2023!
But first, I want to appreciate the One who gives life to this blog and helps me communicate His intentions through this platform.
I also want to thank you for an amazing 2023, and in advance for an even more breath-taking 2024. I know we’ll do so much together this year!
You may have not done your best in 2023. But 2024 is your year. It’s the year in which you break barriers, run over troops and achieve that which has been your utmost desire!
Every prophecy given to you concerning this year will definitely come to pass. And everything you have earnestly asked God for will materialise in their fullness.
You will be well on your way to becoming the person of your dreams this year. You will enjoy loving relationships and not relationships born out of strife and envy. You will experience growth and expansion this year, and opportunities will find their way to you and meet you prepared.
2024 is Your Year!
But do you know that it is still up to you to steward your life in ways that help you receive the best in the year?
So, I’m not writing much today. I just want to ask…
what will you do to make this year special?
Or what will you do differently in the coming days?
Because you cannot have a different result if you keep putting in the same process.
I know this phrase sounds old and cliché, but it will never lose its relevance.
If 2024 will be your best year yet, then you have to put in your best work yet! You have to do your most yet! You have to love your best yet.
And yes, there’s the place of the grace of God, and our trusting Him to do for us those things we cannot do for ourselves. But even that requires us to put out our best faith yet!
What Will You Do Differently?
So, write, in your journal or the comment section, that one thing you will do (or do better) this year to make it your best year yet. You can write as many things as you want, but I’ll suggest you stick to one thing so it doesn’t become something that lives the rest of the year only in written form. Sticking to one thing at a time will also help you sharpen your focus so you don’t get caught up in the tyranny of unproductive multitasking.
Have you received a prophecy for the year? What will you do to see that it is fulfilled?
Have you noticed a lag in an area of your life? What will you do to mend it?
Was your relationship with God unstable and unattended in the previous year? What will you start to do to ensure it becomes more stable and functional?
Did you spend more than you earned in the previous year? How will you increase your income source and also regulate your spending habits?
Is your poor performance at work affecting your marriage, health, and overall well-being? What will you do to improve in your career?
You may have more than one thing you want to do or improve upon. But my suggestion is that you look for that one thing that can significantly improve other areas of your life when you focus on it.
For example, choosing to improve your relationship with God can help you know what God wants you to experience per season, thereby increasing your ability to succeed in the things you do. Improving your relationship with God will also make you better in your marriage and relationship with other people. Improving your relationship with God will undoubtedly make you more compassionate to actively make an impact in people’s lives.
So, go ahead and write that one thing you will do to make 2024 your year.
Have you written it?
Create a System to Help You Do
Now, create a system that will help you do that one thing consistently; maybe daily, weekly, or monthly.
- You may have to pick a time to do it every day.
- You may also have to make your environment conducive for that goal.
- Find time to review your progress on a regular basis. PS: you can come back to this space in March so we can review your progress together.
As an example, you can decide to rid your devices of songs and media that impede your relationship with God. You can set specific times for prayer, meditation, and journaling. You can also decide to go to church regularly to aid your relationship with God.
Above all, do not be under any pressure to ‘make 2024 your year.’ God is not bound by time and human calendars. He will do with and for you what He wills in His own time!
Do enjoy the rest of the year!